
Távfelügyelet Support Biztonságtechnikai KFT

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Adószám: 25878310-2-05

cégjegyzék szám: 05-09-029589

Bankszámla: OTP Bank, 11739009-23901720-00000000



Diszpécser: 06-30/22-48-600


Lipusz Péter, ügyvezető: 06-30/22-48-500


Email címek: Ez az e-mail-cím a szpemrobotok elleni védelem alatt áll. Megtekintéséhez engedélyeznie kell a JavaScript használatát. és Ez az e-mail-cím a szpemrobotok elleni védelem alatt áll. Megtekintéséhez engedélyeznie kell a JavaScript használatát.

Mindenki szeretné biztonságban tudni értékeit, de nem engedheti meg az élő erős őrzést.

Technikailag fejlettebb és költséghatékony szolgáltatásunkkal cége megtakarítás mellett biztonságosabb lehet.
Lipusz Péter
ügyvezető, TFS
Flipping Cards
The Flipping Cards particle makes it easy to display paragraphs of written content in a way that is both compact and stylish. With a click, you can flip the card over to reveal a whole new set of content - including icons and links.
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Card Back
This is the back-side of a Flipping Cards card. It has a distinctly different appearance and can be given its own unique look and content - all managed from a single, simple user interface.
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Particles Particle
Acronym's animated background is made possible by the Particles particle. This particle sits in the Top section, and enables you to switch between shapes and configure the background with ease. Flip the card for more information.
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Particles Particle
Supported shapes include: rectangles, circles, triangles, polygons, stars, as well as circles and lines. You can also give it a custom configuration using JSON files selectable using a file picker field in the particle's settings. Easy peasy!
Flip it
Headerlicious gives your site a big, bold text headline to use at the top of your page. This particle is easy to set up, and comes with five different styles to make your text stand out in a way that fits your personal taste.
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Vivamus euismod ligulalis nec maximus luctus. Fusce in mauris arcu. Vivamus interdum dui blandit tempor dapibus. Vivamus euismod ligulalis nec maximus luctus. Fusce in mauris arcu. Vivamus interdum dui blandit tempor dapibus.
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Premium Particles
Give your website a look entirely your own with the versatile Gantry 5 framework and RocketTheme's exclusive premium particles. Create gorgeous showcases with Owl Showcase. Build beautiful photo galleries with Image Grid.
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Premium Particles
You can create organized content blocks with Grid Content and Block Content, or maximize your space with Content Tabs and Accordion. With these and Info List, Grid Statistic, Header Tabs, and more, the possibilities are endless.
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szombat, október 19, 2019
szombat, április 04, 2020
hétfő, április 06, 2020
hétfő, április 06, 2020
hétfő, április 06, 2020
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